“Welcome! I’m Mark Wollacott, an author, teacher, and podcaster exploring philosophy, history, and stories that inspire. Discover my books, podcasts, and insights below.”

Mark is the author of 7 books including 5 novels, a short story collection, and a haiku collection

Tales of the Runari is Mark’s podcast which explores philosophy, history, and interesting stories.

What is Plato’s Theory of Forms?
When did you learn that a table is a table? Chances are it was when you were but a toddler. A parent no doubt told you that this was a table and that was a table, so your brain processed the information and created a notion of the table. Or did it? Do we put together...

What is Aristotle’s theory of forms
In my previous piece on Plato’s theory of forms, I asked the question - how do we know a table is a table? As Plato’s most famous student, it is no surprise that Aristotle too had an opinion on Forms. What may surprise those new to Aristotle is that he rejected his...

What are Machiavelli’s three types of intelligence?
As someone who is on the autism spectrum, I’ve always been curious about the different ways in which people think. If I had a pound for every time what I think is a simple statement is met with a completely unexpected interpretation and response, I’d be richer than...