Do we need social media?

Do we need social media?

TL:DR: We do not need social media in order to live our lives happily. Social media is more of a want than a need, and in that regard it can lead to distractions, loneliness, stress, and depression. For more rewarding social interactions, try going offline for 30 days...
Can we know everything?

Can we know everything?

Is it possible to know everything there is to know? That’s a question which came to me while cooking dinner the other night. It part came from the world around me at that moment and part from movies where humans tap into unused brain space for limitless knowledge and...
What is selective ignorance?

What is selective ignorance?

Have you ever felt overloaded by all the information coming at you? It’s not just that so much of it is biased or inaccurate, it’s the sheer quantity. We get it on the TV, on social media, from news sites, in search engine results, from friends, and on YouTube. I’ve...