“Welcome! I’m Mark Wollacott, an author, teacher, and podcaster exploring philosophy, history, and stories that inspire. Discover my books, podcasts, and insights below.”

Mark is the author of 7 books including 5 novels, a short story collection, and a haiku collection

Tales of the Runari is Mark’s podcast which explores philosophy, history, and interesting stories.

What are the virtues of isolation?
The virtues of isolation are an opportunity for self-reflection, a change to change and improve yourself, better connection with nature, and increased creativity. In addition to this, isolation can improve empathy, concentration, and memory creation. It has its risks,...

The 5 traits you need to become a Master
The five traits you need to obsess over in order to become a master are growth, negative feedback, truth, skills (not knowledge) and failure. In a recent video (see below), Modern Health Monk, AKA Alexander Heyne, outlined his five traits you need to become a master....

How to journal like Leonardo da Vinci
To journal like Leonardo da Vinci, you need to keep your journal with you. Write about everything - thoughts, jokes, ideas, self-affirmations, and more. You can doodle, write backwards or in code. Just get it all down. In 1994, billionaire tech entrepreneur, Bill...