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Do we need social media?

Do we need social media?

TL:DR: We do not need social media in order to live our lives happily. Social media is more of a want than a need, and in that regard it can lead to distractions, loneliness, stress, and depression. For more rewarding social interactions, try going offline for 30 days...

What is the happiness paradox?

What is the happiness paradox?

“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” American Declaration of Independence If there is one aspiration to unite all of humans, then surely it is the pursuit of happiness. It’s even in the American Declaration of Independence. Should it be? Should we all aspire...

Are we all conservative?

Are we all conservative?

In some way we are all conservative. To be conservative there is something in our lives that we appreciate and wish to preserve, protect, and keep unchanged. Being conservative is a philosophy of love - of the individual that loves that which works and wishes to...

What are ghost populations?

What are ghost populations?

Ghost populations are fragments of human DNA which belong to unknown humanoid ancestors. DNA and genome studies into 300,000 years of humanity has shown a rich and complicated picture of archaic and modern elements spread over a wide range of areas and times. Some of...

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Can we know everything?

Can we know everything?

Is it possible to know everything there is to know? That’s a question which came to me while cooking dinner the other night. It part came from the world around me at that moment and part from movies where humans tap into unused brain space for limitless knowledge and...

What is selective ignorance?

What is selective ignorance?

Have you ever felt overloaded by all the information coming at you? It’s not just that so much of it is biased or inaccurate, it’s the sheer quantity. We get it on the TV, on social media, from news sites, in search engine results, from friends, and on YouTube. I’ve...

What are the virtues of isolation?

What are the virtues of isolation?

The virtues of isolation are an opportunity for self-reflection, a change to change and improve yourself, better connection with nature, and increased creativity. In addition to this, isolation can improve empathy, concentration, and memory creation. It has its risks,...

Is Unconscious Bias a Myth?

Is Unconscious Bias a Myth?

We all know, especially those of us who work in business or are interested in equal rights (or both), how unconscious bias is supposed to work. There is a tranche of rhetoric and dogma which says that people - by this we usually mean white men, are innately biased...

Should We Make Everyone Normal?

Should We Make Everyone Normal?

No, we should not try to make everyone normal. Firstly, it is subjective to determine what normal is anyway - is it the majority? the average? Furthermore, it impinges on the basic human rights to force others to conform to an arbitrary standard or definition of...

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What is Responsibility? The Way of the Runari: A Brief Introduction The Principles of Runari 4/12 “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” Abraham Lincoln “A true gentleman puts responsibility upon himself but not upon others.” Confucius...



What is Freedom? The Way of the Runari: A Brief Introduction The Principles of Runari 3/12 “The only freedom which deserves the name is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to...



What is Creation? The Way of the Runari: A Brief Introduction The Principles of Runari 2/12 “‘If you wish to rule the state, first pacify your family. If you wish to pacify your family, first discipline yourself. If you wish to discipline yourself, first make right...



What is Appreciation? The Way of the Runari: A Brief Introduction The Principles of Runari 1/12 A cherry blossom’s Beauty is only fleeting, Yours is forever. You leave your new office situated on the twentieth floor of a glass and steel skyscraper. As you leave the...

What is Plato’s Theory of Forms?

What is Plato’s Theory of Forms?

When did you learn that a table is a table? Chances are it was when you were but a toddler. A parent no doubt told you that this was a table and that was a table, so your brain processed the information and created a notion of the table. Or did it? Do we put together...

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What are Plato’s Five Regimes?

What are Plato’s Five Regimes?

Plato’s five regimes are, in this order, aristocracy, timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, and tyranny. Of these, Plato favored aristocracy in his ideal state and branded the other four as imperfect societies. The Greek philosopher Plato is one of the most famous...

What is Plato’s Theory of Forms?

What is Plato’s Theory of Forms?

When did you learn that a table is a table? Chances are it was when you were but a toddler. A parent no doubt told you that this was a table and that was a table, so your brain processed the information and created a notion of the table. Or did it? Do we put together...

What is Homo Luzonensis?

What is Homo Luzonensis?

In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Tolkien was thinking of a low hillock crowned by a great tree probably somewhere in his native Warwickshire. After his philological discovery he came to the conclusion there were three hobbit races - the harfoots, the...

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