Mark Wollacott


* Story Teller


* Teacher


* Philosopher


* Podcaster


* Eclectic


More About Mark


Mark is the author of half a dozen novels, poetry collections, and short story collections. His top books include:

The Hunt for Silverheart

Winter Homecoming

The Girl Who Made It Snow

The Runari Eclectica Podcast

Words, Wisdom and Wonderings. The wandering mind finds itself fascinated by a wide range of topics, ideas, and well, things.

Runari Eclectica is a podcast for those who want to learn something new and interesting be it philosophy, history, archaeology, human evolution, books, movies, music, nature or just understanding who we are as humans.

Want to Know More?

Released once a week, Runari Eclectica is for the open minded. We’d love your feedback at the podcast and ideas for future topics. Click here for more information.

The Runari Eclectica Podcast will  be launched in September 2024.

Plato’s Atlantis