Amber and the Ancient Spark

Amber and the Ancient Spark

Amber and the Ancient Spark: How Pre-Industrial Cultures Understood Static Electricity Have you ever rubbed a balloon on your hair and watched it stick to the wall? Or felt a tiny shock after walking across a carpet? These sparks of static electricity are so common...


Mark is the author of half a dozen novels, poetry collections, and short story collections. His top books include:

The Hunt for Silverheart

Winter Homecoming

The Girl Who Made It Snow

My Podcast

Words, Wisdom and Wonderings. My wandering mind loves a wide range of topics, ideas, and well, things.

Tales of the Runari is for those who want to learn something new and interesting be it philosophy, history, archaeology, human evolution, books, movies, music, nature or just understanding who we are as humans.

Want to Know More?

Tales of the Runari is for the open minded. We’d love your feedback at the podcast and ideas for future topics. Click here for more information.

The Tales of the Runari Podcast will  be launched in 2025.

Apart From You

Apart From You

Harold and Kinuyo have lived together in the remote mountains of Okayama, Japan since the late 60s. Now in his early 80s, Harold faces living his last years without his beloved wife. A touching tale of love, loss, and living off the land.

Plato’s Atlantis